Family Medicine Specialty

Dr. Hissong is Board Certified in the specialty of Family Medicine.  That means she has graduated from an accredited Family Medicine residency program, which is three years of training beyond medical school.  Dr. Hissong has also passed a series of examinations in this specialty.  Then, to keep her current in this specialty, the Family Medicine  Board has required her originally to obtain regular continuing education credits and to be recertified every seven years.  Dr. Hissong was last recertified in 2010.   Beginning in 2010, the Board began requiring yearly online learning.  By completing this intensified education each year, physicians may now take the examination to be recertified every ten years.

The residency training in Family Practice includes Pediatrics, Ear-Nose-Throat, Internal Medicine, Out-patient surgery, Gynecology, Orthopedics, Geriatrics, Family Counseling and Psychiatry.  This training enables Dr. Hissong to diagnose and treat the majority of her patients’ medical problems.  However, it also helps her uncover unusual medical problems that require the attention of another specialist.  When that occurs, Dr. Hissong will recommend referral to the appropriate specialist.  If at any time you desire consultation with another specialist, Dr. Hissong urges you to discuss it freely and openly with her.